Burghfield Santas Introduction:
The Burghfield Santas are a group of local residents that create fun events for the residents of Burghfield and the surrounding area to raise money for Thames Valley Air Ambulance and other local charities.
It all started with Santa Cruise 16 years ago when a group of mates went out for a few drinks after making and wrapping many presents. We wore our red suits and raised a little money for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance. We did this again and again and somewhere along the way we realised that charity fundraising (and beer drinking!) is not just for Christmas and so we started to run charity events all year around including our pop-up pub, The Bulging Sack and Burghfest our annual beer and music festival.
Over the years, we have raised over £330,000 for Thames Valley Air Ambulance and other local charities.
Now we need your help, each year we work with a local brewery to brew a beer for us for both our summer openings of the Bulging Sack and Burghfest, which runs over two days. This is where you come in.
Have you noticed how beers you used to drink 20 years ago have the same name, but taste different today? Yes, we’ve got older and our tastes change, but for sure, we’ve noticed recipes change over time and not always for the best or the right reasons. New brewers might come on board and make their mark on established beers. Accountants tell the brewer they need to cut costs. Perhaps there are supply chain issues and the brewery can’t get the right ingredients, so they substitute. Often once change has happened, there is no going back.
We will split the prize brew between cask and keg, so your beer needs to:
- work at cellar-ish temperature from cask and chilled from keg. For judging, it’s up to you how you present it.
- We want a top quality 4-4.4% rich, smooth, classic English Bitter with your modern twist. As well as rigorously sticking to the style, we’re looking for a beer that makes the judges reminisce about great pints of beer gone by.
- have wide appeal, edge cases won’t sell well (so sadly no sours or Belgium Tripels).
Individual and team entries are welcome, however due to the size of Elusive we’re probably limited to four people for the brew day.
Finally, the style. Well, we’re not restricting that, however we want something different to last years American Pale Ale, so brew us a Red, Bitter or something else traditional in style and appeal.
Entries are not being restricted to RAB members, but we ask everybody to sign up to obtain your entry number and enter the details of your beer (please email us if you still wish to enter). The judging will take place during RAB’s May meeting and the winner will be announced on the night.
- Complete entry form: CLICK HERE
- Judging will require: 3x 500ml bottles of your beer entry
Judging will be by an expert panel of Senior Santas and Elusive’s own Andy Parker who knows a thing or two about keeping us under control as well as doing a mighty fine job on the brewing front.
We look forward to tasting your beers. Good luck.
Much love,
Santa x